The London Borough of Camden, working with an employment broker, has launched an Employment Brokerage scheme. Over 500 member businesses within the Business Improvement District liaise with the broker to secure placements for local residents. The Business Improvement District is a public-private partnership which pays an additional tax in order to fund improvements within the district’s boundaries.
Many areas of Camden suffer from high unemployment affecting all ages and cultural groups. This new cost free programme offers development support and increased staff retention for local businesses. By working closely with Camden Council the Business Improvement District is able to target specific sectors, decreasing unemployment in the district whilst offering businesses huge financial savings.
The initial target group are those who are seeking to move into entry level or support type role. The current aim for the scheme is to achieve 30 job starts before June 2011, as well as creating 15 opportunities for apprenticeships and 25 work experience placements. As the service evolves, the offer will be extended to professional and senior positions as well as the creative industries. The service will be inclusive of those from richer or poorer backgrounds, skilled or unskilled, mature or young and with varying abilities.
The job broker will be responsible for the matching and pre-screening of candidates and brokering opportunities across the various businesses within the BID. The service will offer high quality, free recruitment and placement services for local businesses, with a dedicated screening, matching and candidate selection process.