Abstracts: September 29th, 2005

This case study from the IDeA outlines the different approaches two local authorities in Staffordshire have taken to delivering services through one-stop shops. A one-stop shop can be defined as the physical location where citizens can visit and access a range of local authority and partner organisation’s services in one place and in a seamless, convenient and integrated way. The layout and range of services offered by these shops varies from council to council. For Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, community-run one-stop shops deliver some of its services. Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, on the other hand, sets up its one-stop shops in partnership with the County Council. Both councils work with a range of partners – the police, Citizens Advice, Pension Service etc. – delivering their services either through surgeries or on their behalf.The key message emanating from this comparative study is: there is no single best approach to one-stop shops. A good understanding of local needs, the best use of available resources, and effective joining-up with local partners are a good basis from which to start.

The case study is available at: http://www.idea-knowledge.gov.uk/idk/aio/900820