Sending fewer offenders to prison and using community sentences instead would save hundreds of lives, according to the Howard League for Penal Reform. Its annual analysis of prison suicides, published today, shows that prisoners killed themselves in 52 prisons in England and Wales last year.In 13 of the institutions there were three or more deaths and the League says scores of other prisoners were resuscitated after attempting to take their own lives. It blames a lack of purposeful activity in prisons.
There is a call today for careful reforms to cut the cost of credit for people on lower incomes and a warning that some well-meaning attempts to reform high-cost lending risk leaving poorer people with less choice and facing even higher costs.Research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation shows that people on low, insecure incomes often borrow at annual repayment rates of between double and five times their original loan. The study, by the Personal Finance Research Centre at Bristol University, says some commercial lenders traditionally associated with the home credit market are already moving away from serving people on low or unstable incomes.
The document celebrates the achievements and contributions of governing bodies. It also looks at what the DfES’s Five-year Strategy for Children and Learners means for school governors and how governors can take advantage of the new opportunities it offers. It emphasises the important role governors play and the need for strong governing bodies. It also looks ahead to the challenges and opportunities facing schools and governing bodies. In particular, it explores what Government and others need to do to help governors meet these challenges.Schools will have more autonomy and flexibility in how they operate. They are also encouraged to work with other partners, including private, voluntary and community sector providers, and health and social care services. Together they can deliver a wide range of services for children and communities as part of the Every Child Matters agenda. Governing bodies will play a key role in deciding what will work for their individual schools and in driving improvement and change.