Proposals on school funding published by Schools Minister Stephen Twigg offer greater freedom and independence for schools to run their own affairs. There would be clear lines of accountability, three year budgets and greater discretion over how they can spend their standards-related funding. The proposals would allow schools to plan ahead to make the most effective use of their resources and get better value for money. Key features are financial security for schools, the ability for Heads to better plan long-term finances, and greater clarity on funding streams and responsibilities between local and central government.Funding for schools and other pupil provision, like special education needs, would in future be provided to each local authority through the new Dedicated Schools Grant from the Department for Education and Skills, rather than through general local government funding and Council Tax as now. Local education authorities would retain responsibility for distributing this Grant funding to schools according to local needs and priorities. However, as the grant will be ring-fenced, it cannot be used for any purpose other than school funding which will mean that the existing “passporting” regime will no longer be required.
The Local Government Association wants councils to work harder at building stronger partnerships to improve community cohesion. Councils need to make definite links within their own communities to create neighbourhoods where people’s differences are valued and respected and where everyone feels they can belong. The council is the only body directly elected by local people to represent them and they have a duty to ensure that everyone in their locality feels respected and lives with a sense of responsibility and belonging.Councillor David Rogers OBE, the LGA’s Community Well-being Board chair, called on local councils to make definite links within their own communities to create neighbourhoods where people’s differences are valued and respected. Councils are uniquely placed to bring together the many organisations that contribute to life in local areas. “It is vital that they use their capacity as community leaders to make links with local businesses, partners and the voluntary sector to understand issues which are barriers to cohesive communities, and tackle them head on,” he said.