Abstracts: January 19th, 2006

This programme is now available to view on egovtv.tv, the online television channel for public service modernisation. It reviews how authorities can build customer uptake and public confidence, that these services are secure for use by all members of the community, despite rising Internet crime.The programme helps to identify key areas of vulnerability, approaches and systems to protect authorities, and the key issue of accountability. How much more vulnerable are authorities and their online customers to malicious attacks, cyber crime and genuine system breakdown, and who is responsible when things go wrong?

GovTV (www.eGovTV.tv) is a dedicated web-cast television channel for governors of public bodies, council members and senior executives across all public sector organisations and is available free to an unlimited audience at anytime, at any location via the internet.

The programme is available at: http://www.egovtv.tv/programmes/Securing%20eGovernment%20Online%20Services